Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Movies to watch before departure

Here are a list of movies I have compiled that take place in either London, Paris, or Rome, I have starred my favorites : )
-Amelie<-----------*Mrs. Cardona's favorite
-Pride and Prejudice
-Sherlock Homes
-Billy Elliot
-Robin Hood
-Austin Powers*
-Winning London*
-Passport to Paris*
-When in Rome
-102 Dalmations*
-Harry Potter*
-Marie Antoinette
-Nanny Mcphee
-Taken*<--- Dont let your mother watch this with you or she may not let you go
-Monty Python and the Holy Grail*
-Vein la Rose*
-Angels and Demons
-Ali G Indahouse
-Julie and Julia
-Inglorious Bastards
-Band of Brothers
-The Lizzie McGuire movie ***

WOW !! Just think in 19 days we will be THERE!!!

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